Member-only story
January Writing Challenge | Day 23 | Disturbing | Violent
A Scene From a Movie That Has Traumatised Me
I haven’t seen a movie at the cinema since before the pandemic in 2020. Until that point, we saw quite a few films each year.
We used something called Silver Screen, where our local cinema showed movies a few months after their release at a lower price; they also provided a free drink. It was intended for people at least ten years older than us, but my fiancée and I managed to avoid getting kicked out!
My mind must have blocked out the film I’m about to mention for reasons that will become clear. I had to do some searching to figure out the title and didn’t realise it was as long ago as 2017.
The movie was Wind River.
We watched the trailer before going to see it:
The description did not sound too bad:
A veteran hunter helps an FBI agent…