Note: I've just returned from my holiday and I'm still catching up with notifications. It will take a while because I can't risk getting suspended again for being too active.

Losing my wife at 45 made me realise how short life can be. That's why I love connecting with people through my writing.

I cover many topics and enjoy making people laugh when they least expect it. I hope you will join me as I share my random stories.

Thank you for visiting my page 💛


ℹ️ More about me

I was previously known as 'Autistic Widower' here, and my username is still @autisticwidower to give some continuity.

Medium member since November 2021
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Connect with Alan AJ
Alan AJ

Alan AJ


Friend of Medium

One day I'll think of something good to put here. For now, just know I'm 50-something years old and I keep writing about life.