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AJ’s Weekly News: 2 June 2023

My son’s first car. Plus health concerns, money worries, and a pleasant bike ride

Alan AJ
8 min readJun 2, 2023


Two bicycles leaning on a fence in the countryside. The caption reads, “AJ’s Weekly News”
I went for a bike ride in the middle of writing today’s newsletter. Author’s own photo


1. Personal Notes

2. This Week’s Medium Stories

1. Personal Notes

Son’s first car

A week ago, my youngest son and I viewed a car for sale around the corner from us. I asked why the address was across town, and the seller said it was his business address. The test drive went okay and we returned the following day and bought it.

I was a little concerned we’d never been in the man’s house — we first met at the roadside next to the car. I hoped we would do the deal indoors, just to confirm that he lived there. But he returned from work in the car at 11:30 am and said he’d forgotten his house keys!

It sounded like a classic scam, but I did HPI checks on it and I don’t think it’s stolen. The paperwork for the car included an invoice for repairs done 12 months ago at the seller’s garage across town — the same address as the V5 registration document. And he had owned it for a couple of years.



Alan AJ

Past and present life moments with a touch of humour. Stories about grief, love, family, nostalgia, technology, autism, ADHD, and everyday experiences.