Cars | Crashes | June Writing Challenge Day 3

How Many Car Accidents Have I Had?

Before we continue, can you check if my insurance company is listening? 😆

Alan AJ
4 min readJun 3, 2023


Damage to a car’s rear wheel arch
Part of the damage a bus did to one of my cars. They tried to deny it, but luckily I had a witness. Author’s own photo

What’s that? The coast is clear?

Okay. Here we go!

Car #1 — accident #1

My first car was written off after another driver pulled out in front of me. I wrote about it here:

At least that one wasn’t my fault.

Cars #2, #3, #4 — no accidents

Somehow, I managed to avoid crashing my second and third cars.

It’s a miracle I didn’t crash my fourth car.

It was a Mk1 Ford Fiesta XR2 with a modified engine. I made a few mistakes in that car, but never actually crashed it!

Car #5 — three accidents!

My fifth car, a Mk2 Ford Fiesta XR2, was crashed three times!



Alan AJ

One day I'll think of something good to put here. For now, just know I'm 50-something years old and I keep writing about life.