Estranged Siblings | Family

It Is Hard for Me to Say This, but I Do Not Like My Eldest Sister

When I was young, I never imagined things would end up like this

Alan AJ
9 min readApr 22, 2023


Photo by Mercedes Bosquet on Unsplash

Make sure you are sitting comfortably and have a drink handy — this is going to be a long one!

I have two sisters. The nicer one, who I will call Judy, is seven years older than me and lives locally. There have been times that she has upset me, such as when she cleared our mum’s house and threw away sentimental items without asking me. But we still see each other and get along fairly well.

My other sister, who I will call Kay, is eleven years older. She has a very different personality and is the subject of this article.

Things were not bad in the early years

I grew up with a strong sense of family. The five of us lived together in a small bungalow, and even though we were not rich, it felt like everyone loved one another.

When I was young, the large age gap meant that I didn’t see much of Kay. She was usually in her room or not at home, and she rarely made time to play with me.

I remember how she was interested in material things. In her teens, she would carry a plate of toast to…



Alan AJ

Past and present life moments with a touch of humour. Stories about grief, love, family, nostalgia, technology, autism, ADHD, and everyday experiences.