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My Favourite Podcasts

Technology, opinions, productivity, entertainment, and more

Alan AJ
10 min readDec 8, 2021


Four images, created by mirroring a photo horizontally and vertically. Each of the four images contains an iPhone running the Overcast podcast player app, with a pair of Sony headphones placed over it.
Photo taken and processed by the author, Autistic Widower.

I listen to a lot of podcasts these days. It all started about six or seven years ago, when I searched for one about iOS development, and got hooked on More than Just Code.

Some of the podcasts I’ve listed are no longer active, but the past episodes are still available.

In some cases, such as Hypercritical, I went back and listened to the entire run of the show long after the last episode was released.

Topics include:

  • Apple, technology, and programming
  • Opinions, personal stories, and ADHD
  • Lifestyle, productivity, and getting organised
  • Entertainment, TV, and movies


1. Accidental Tech Podcast
2. Upgrade
3. The Talk Show With John Gruber
4. Robot or Not?
5. Reconcilable Differences
6. Back to Work
7. Roderick on the Line
8. Under the Radar
9. Analog(ue)
10. Thoughts on Functional Programming
11. More than Just Code
12. The Minimalists
13. Hypercritical
14. 20 Macs for 2020
15. The Run Loop
16. Download
17. Neutral



Alan AJ

One day I'll think of something good to put here. For now, just know I'm 50-something years old and I keep writing about life.