Relationships | Money

My Future Wife Had No Money in the Bank When I First Met Her

It’s probably not what you’re thinking, and we soon moved in together!

Alan AJ
3 min readMar 27, 2024


Three UK £10 notes
Author’s photo

My family tried to slow me down and worried I might be making a mistake.

Almost 32 years ago, I met Jane on a blind date after responding to her advert in the lonely hearts section of a local newspaper.

We lived in the same town and met outside a busy pub one Friday evening. Then we went inside and spent a couple of hours talking over drinks.

We hit it off right from the start, and it was an intense evening — as though we were meant to be together. It felt like we had so much catching up to do now that we’d finally found one another.

Apart from one night that we skipped, we saw each other every night from that day on.

We were both 24 years old and still living with our parents. Our relationship moved quickly, and about four months later, we were looking at moving in together.

My family tried to slow me down and worried I might be making a mistake. But there was no doubt in my mind — I knew it was right.



Alan AJ

One day I'll think of something good to put here. For now, just know I'm 50-something years old and I keep writing about life.