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The AJ Chronicles: 1 March 2024

Recent moments, plus my latest Medium stories

Alan AJ
9 min readMar 1, 2024


Collage of four images: Graph of falling Medium reads, an email about a boosted story, two vases of flowers, and afternoon tea.
Graph showing how my Medium reads fell from January to February, email screenshot about a boosted story, flowers from the 5th anniversary of my wife’s death, and afternoon tea with Stephanie. Author’s own images


Recent moments

Medium stories

Recent moments

  1. Medium down: Rock bottom earnings 📉
  2. Medium up: Boosted story 📈
  3. My sister gave me her friend’s email address 📧
  4. Blood pressure telephone appointment 🧑‍⚕️
  5. My son’s need for speed 🏎
  6. Stephanie’s headaches 🤕
  7. Stressful and weird dreams 😴
  8. Evening grocery shopping 🛒
  9. Silent afternoon tea 🫖

1. Medium down: Rock bottom earnings 📉

February has not been a high-earning month for me on Medium.

My low earnings started after I was followed by a huge number of people in January; unfortunately, most have no interest in reading a single story. At times, it has felt like I’ve been shadowbanned since then.

Just when I was thinking it could not get worse, my daily earnings fell further:

  • 25 February: $0.64



Alan AJ

One day I'll think of something good to put here. For now, just know I'm 50-something years old and I keep writing about life.