Grief | Memories | Family Life

The AJ Chronicles: 14 June 2024

Assembling the bookcase, a happy and sad occasion on the same day, my son’s work placement, sentimental clutter and bedroom conversion, my neighbour’s call for help, plus my recent Medium stories

Alan AJ
7 min readJun 14, 2024


A collage of four images. Old cutlery, flowers in a field at a crematorium, four tea towels including one of Devon scenes, and flowers in a green glass vase.
Top row: cutlery and utensils rescued from parents’ home, and flowers at the crematorium. Bottom row: my mum’s old tea towels, and flowers at home. Author’s photos



Alan AJ

Life stories and opinions with a touch of humour. Gen X widowed father of two in England. Former electronics engineer and programmer. Prev. 'Autistic Widower'.