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The AJ Chronicles: 22 March 2024

Recent moments, plus my latest Medium story

Alan AJ
7 min readMar 22, 2024


Chocolate bear holding a gift with love hearts on its feet
I feel bad for finally eating the chocolate bear Stephanie gave me on Valentine’s Day, but it’s been that kind of week! Author’s photo


Recent moments

Medium story

Recent moments

  1. Discount dithering when ordering my aunt’s phone 🤔
  2. My father-in-law’s out of date sat-nav 🧭
  3. My son’s impulsive behaviour 😩
  4. Preparing to do some odd jobs 🛠
  5. A long wait for my car MOT and service ⏳
  6. Getting back into iOS development 👨🏻‍💻
  7. Movie time and a change of mind 🎬

1. Discount dithering when ordering my aunt’s phone 🤔

My eldest son gave me a discount card that works at Argos, and it made sense to use that when purchasing a mobile phone for my 100-year-old aunt. It seemed impossible to get the discount online, so I went to the shop.

Using the terminals and swiping the loyalty card did not work, so I acted impulsively, abandoned the discount idea and paid full price.

Luckily, the phone was not in stock, and by the time I’d returned to my car, I decided it would be silly not to…



Alan AJ

One day I'll think of something good to put here. For now, just know I'm 50-something years old and I keep writing about life.