Medium | Writing | Perseverance | Distractions | Writer’s Block

The Days When You Don’t Feel Like Writing

Have you had one of those weeks?

Alan AJ
3 min readApr 18, 2022


I know what it’s like.

You’ve had a tiring few days.

Unexpected things have happened.

Your writing time has been taken away from you.

Now that you finally have the chance to get back to it, you try. But you can’t seem to get started.

Perhaps it’s writer’s block. Or maybe you’re exhausted.

What do you do?

You think about taking a break.

Yes! That’s it!

You could do something relaxing; something you enjoy.

Oh no! Wait a minute, I hear you say!

The Medium algorithm rewards people who publish daily. Besides that, you’d feel too guilty to relax and enjoy yourself.

So you forget about taking a break.

You force yourself to sit down and write.

You sit there staring at your screen.

And your mind is blank.



Alan AJ

Past and present life moments with a touch of humour. Stories about grief, love, family, nostalgia, technology, autism, ADHD, and everyday experiences.