Technology | Family | Elderly

Virgin Media’s Latest TV 360 Box Is Not Ideal For My Elderly In-Laws

Replacing obsolete equipment often brings changes people do not want or need

Alan AJ
5 min readMar 21, 2023


Photo by Alfred Kenneally on Unsplash

The story of how I spent part of my afternoon today.

TV problems

A couple of weeks ago, when I visited my late wife’s parents, their TV service was not working. It took about 15 minutes of power cycling and waiting before it sprang into life again.

They told me it wasn’t the first time it had played up. So, given that they had a very old TiVo box, I suggested they ask their provider for a newer one.

My mother-in-law is a frail 81-year-old with MS and other health problems, so after she phoned Virgin Media, she quickly passed the phone over to me.

The security questions were a nightmare and they kept asking to speak to my mother-in-law again. Eventually, we got past the security stage.

I told Virgin Media how old and unreliable their TV box was, and how my in-laws were long overdue for a replacement one. Much to my annoyance, they did not want to send out a new box without first running all kinds of tests.



Alan AJ

One day I'll think of something good to put here. For now, just know I'm 50-something years old and I keep writing about life.