Keeley’s March Challenge #19

Who is the Most Important Constant in My Life?

I tackled a seemingly impossible question!

Alan AJ
3 min readMar 19, 2023


Chart showing how old the author was when certain people were in his life
Chart showing my age when certain key people were in my life. Author’s own image

This is story number 19 in Keeley Schroder’s March challenge. (Woo-hoo — this means I’ve managed two in a row!)

This is an impossible question to answer because my life has been a series of chapters, and few people have been there for the whole time.

I made the above chart to show the overlap between some of the people.

I lost my dad when I was 22, but he was my best friend until the day he died. My mum was around until I was nearly 40, and I relied on her a lot.

My youngest sister and my elderly aunt have known me for my whole life. They are my last remaining links to my childhood and my late parents. But there have been periods when we were not very close and rarely saw each other.

John, the boss I wrote about in my weird workplace stories, took over as a kind of father figure after my dad died.



Alan AJ

One day I'll think of something good to put here. For now, just know I'm 50-something years old and I keep writing about life.